August 19, 2010

Is this the end? Part Two

Now, about the food. To be honest I have to say that I wasn't 100% faithful to the no sugar, no alcohol rule. It would have been interesting to see how much more my body could improve on a strict diet. The positive thing is that PCP nutrition is so good that I learned to love it and I eat like that every day. I don't weigh food anymore, except when I don't trust my eye or have a lot of time. I don't crave big portions of sweets and I naturally choose veggies instead of processed food. But I didn't want to say no to a glass of wine for dinner or to a delicious cookie a friend just baked.
I decided to trust myself and see how much I had learned about nutrition. I let myself free and I'm very proud of the choices I make. I know that I'm ready to navigate "normal life" with all its temptations and social gatherings. 

Having learned how to eat correctly during PCP and working out in the morning proved that I didn't have to spend so much time on this project, which was liberating. The only aspect that suffered was the blog; this time I had to concentrate on my job more than ever, it was summer and I moved to another country. Blogging was specially hard for me because writing about very subtle and small improvements seemed uninteresting.

To my relief the angry monster didn't awake during KFB. I remember how rebel and infuriated I was during PCP. Well, this time I felt calmer, I was able to deal gracefully with a stressful situation and now there's a feeling of strength inside me: I can say "no" easily (Emily, I needed the contrary!) and I recognize better when I need my own space and my own terms. In other words: I feel cool.

Another important achievement is the sense of confidence I have that if the occasion should arise, and believe me that I wish with all my heart that It doesn't, I would be able to at least throw a good kick. That makes a world of difference to me and I didn't know it before KFB.

Achtung, baby!

Final Thoughts:
KFB is a very good training program. It's fun, hard, revealing, humbling and makes you stronger, leaner and more flexible.
It requires a certain level of fitness because the workouts are tough.
It's better if you have a bigger place to train, specially when it's freestyle kicking time.
Except for the pull-ups bar, this is a portable and flexible training method.
Nothing gives you leaner and harder abs than all those kicks and leg rises.
Punching makes your arms beautiful.
Since you only need your body and some chairs, this is a great program if you like to go outside for a good workout.

A good park has it all

Some Suggestions:
As a former PCPer, I would have liked to learn more about nutrition, new secrets and have little challenges to see if we could push the diet to another level. Is there another level? A super nutrition system? A super zen diet?

Maybe one week out of three, or once every week, to keep KFBers alert and playful, introducing a whole bunch of exercises with all kinds of props, like the double punches with stones; something like balancing while holding some china... but definitely not carrying bucks of water with dagger bracelets under the arms.

Some way of keeping track of progress. Fat level, monthly photo, a special test to perform every week?

I was expecting some special weekly tasks announced at the beginning. I imagine they were going to be exciting little exercises to apply mindfulness during ordinary situations.

What comes next?
I'm taking a break. I needed to stop training for a few days after these intense and fantastic eight months of exercise. I'm very excited to see what maintenance plans Patrick is preparing for us.
As soon as my body gives approval I will begin to workout again. I'm thinking about a combination of PCP, KFB and yoga.

So, this is not the end. It's the beginning.

Patrick and Chen, thanks for considering me for this project. Congratulations on this great idea. I know that soon you will have the KFB working better and rounder.

Note: Unfortunately, I'm recovering from the worst cold of my life, so I won't be able to post a final photo today. But I will as soon as I get better.


  1. Congratulations, Lili! Great final post. You look so buff!! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Thank you for this wonderful post! You sound and look so powerful and aware. I love your ideas for improving the KFB experience.

    I was thrilled to start this journey with you and know that you're going to be successful in whatever program you choose in the future.

    You're right! The 'challenges' will never end...

    Keep up the fight! And get well soon!

  3. Awesome stuff Lili, you're looking awesomer than ever!

    Sorry we didn't deliver on all our promises (weekly challenges, etc...) They'll be in place for future KFBers, and we made all our mistakes on you guys! I want to make it up to your group sometime.

    Stay in touch and I'll give you the real "zen" diet.

  4. Lili -Thanks for all your posts, thoughts and encouragement! You look really fit and I hope you get well soon! Great job on finishing the KFB!
